Monday...that day after Sunday...

Oct 06, 2008 09:12

Bring on the coffee!!

Okay, now that the Monday "battle-cry" is out of the way, I shall ramble. Yesterday was quite a lot of fun, really. After church we took Kat to the Pennsylvania Apple & Cheese Festival, which is held every year at a local farm/orchard in the area. There are tons of craft and food vendors there, and while we didn't spend scads of money or anything, I did pick up some home-made maple cream (love that stuff on English muffins!) and a couple of hand-made doll outfits for my nieces' American Girl and AG-sized dolls.

Turns out the lady who made/sold the doll clothes lives practically up the road from my grandparents' place and knew about half of my family. LOL Knew who my Mom was too and stuff and it was quite amusing. :)

Picked up a business card from a lady who came up from downstate who makes candles...nice samples and stuff. But I have so many candles now that it might take awhile before I order from her. Maybe Christmas presents. :D But she had one that was a Tommy Girl scent just like the perfume and 'twas lovely. :)

Then we did the "Sunday drive" thing and drove clear out to my hometown area, kinda showed Kat where I grew up and all that. So she's seen the little hole-in-the-wall town I grew up in and all Gorgeous weather tho' and so it was a perfect fall day to do some driving. :)

Wonderful day, but it totally exhausted me; I could barely stay awake for the Steelers game last night. lol Fell into bed after it was over and slept like a log. Still yawnin' this AM. LOL I hope Kat enjoyed it as much as I did tho'; I thought it was fun.

shopping!, lj friends, real life

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