
Oct 04, 2008 11:14

LOL so as of a couple days ago, I'm at least another year older. Wiser, well that may well be a different story but older, yes. ;)

'Twas a fairly good day, all told. :D Pressies included lots of pretty Shep wallpapers and a virtual cupcake, a CD and 50 dollar gift card to Barnes & Noble.

KAT'S HERE! :D hehee I've been a little neglectful of the LJ during the lead-up and payoff, but katstales has come to visit, WOOOOHOOOO!! :D Picked her up from the local regional airport on Wed. the 1st and she's here til the 8th and it's been a blast so far. :D And she's spoilt me rotten. lol Riley's Coffee (and a sampling of their fudge...YUM!), a Sheppard and McKay mug and a Shep keychain. *adds the lovely face along with my Stargate keychain* ;) If droolage happens in the car, blame her, not me. ;)

Consequently I've been goofing off far too much and not getting enough writing done. LOL *facepalm* I'm so seriously behind on everything. lol But it's been a riot having her here, even though the poor dear has to come to the station with me every day this week as time off is almost non-existent atm there.

*sips Riley's Chocolate Fudge coffee* Lovely, lovely, lovely. And the sun is out today after a week's worth of cloudiness/rain so...hey I'll take it! :D

Hope everybody's havin' a good day. :)

rambling, real life, birthday!

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