Random Meanderings & a Little Bit of Excitement

Oct 14, 2008 11:06

Here I sit with my Riley's chocolate fudge coffee (THANKS KAT!) perusing some fine SGA wallpapers that Lily made (she rox) and wishin' I could stay home from work today BUT...content knowing I have Friday off. :)

Which means, 3 day weekend, which means, a trip to my sister's place. :D Unfortunately, 'tis the dork's weekend with the girls, so I won't see much of the nieces while I'm there. But I might just drag Mom out for some Christmas shopping or somethin'. lol :)

The bit of excitement, however, is something entirely different. It seems we will be hosting (once the paperwork goes through) a Korean exchange student! :D He's 12 years old and his name is Hyuk Kim. Apparently he has an interest in music, so he will likely looove the studio. He's part of a cultural exchange program in which an entire class of 7th graders from Korea is coming to the States. :) I'm looking forward to it; he'll be here for about 5 months. :) Anybody wanna teach me how to cook some Korean dishes? LOL

Anyhow...that's about all that's really going on here, but it's still pretty nifty. :)

Just thought I'd holler since I've been basically lazy about posting anything here this month. :)

Hope everybody has a good day!
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