(no subject)

Jul 04, 2009 22:44

So I'm currently in Kelowna at the moment with Chrissy, and it's been an awesome day! She arrived in Kamloops just after 11:30pm Friday night before we drove out this morning for the beginning of my 9 day roadtrip. To sum up today in one word, it would be 'awesome'

We arrived and found our funky little hostel without too much problem. Went for a walk to the park on the lake, had lunch at this funky little natural cafe, then returned back to the park to take a nap in the sun while lying on the grass. It was so damn relaxing and awesome~ We went to see Public Enemy after our nap - was a little disappointed in the movie, but the last half was alright, before going for a walk around the other end of the downtown area.

I broke my shoe though -is sad- but I fortunately had a spare pair in my bag, yay!

ANYWAY! We came across the 'expensive touristy area' and found that they were having a blues and Jazz concert. We didn't want to pay $15ea to get in, so we snuck under the tape and went to watch it. That only lasted about 45 mins before we were kicked out by security lulz

Then it was the nice walk back to the hostel after that <3

So yeah, it's noisy and hot in the room, but it has been a good day. I should head to bed though >.>

road trip~, canada, rl, chrissy

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