Work, and travelling, and baby's, oh my!

Jul 02, 2009 12:02

You know it's bad when it gets to the last two days of work, and you really don't want to have anything to do with it. The time drags on, you're bored out of your brain, but you don't want to do anything either. That's what I'm having to deal with at this moment, and how I felt at work yesterday. It was just lucky that I finally thought of using the work email account to email others just to pass the time... even if chibi-nataku was the poor unfortunate soul that I was bugging.

I'll probably end up doing it again tonight after the boss goes home >.>;;

Two more shifts... and then... then I'm finally free and able to run around Canada and BC without working it around my work schedule \o/ I'm highly excited over that :D

Did I happen to mention I'm now an aunty? My sister gave birth to her daughter yesterday morning \o/ and to top it off, my brother told me his wife is expecting their first child in Jan, so I'm doubly excited, yay! I'm happy for them both ^o^

Anyway~ I should run~ Since I've got my hell shift at work today =_=;;

work, road trip~, canada, ozzy is an aunty, rl, family

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