Movies and old addictions

Jul 01, 2009 00:09

I should so be in bed since I've got to get up in less than 7 hours, but that's fine, since I seem to only be sleeping 4 - 5 hours per night anyway /o\ But I just had to say a few things.

1) I finally saw Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen last night.... and all I have to say is... I was so totally fangirling in it from the moment the movie started.... Ravaaaaaage OMG! Ravage ♥ and let's not forget Soundwave. My two absolutely favourite Decepticons of all time \o/ They both totally made the movie even if Soundwave wasn't in it much =|

The whole Megatron/Starscream OTP thing always amuses the hell out of me, and I can't help but giggle at their interactions each time ♥ Bumble Bee was awesome, same with a few of the other Autobots, and all the human cast was just as great :D

Best quote in the movie Simmons: I'm directly beneath the enemy's scrotum.

So all in all, if you enjoyed the first one, then you'll enjoy the second one just as much \o/

2) Okay okay.... I've readdicted myself back onto babylon 5 ♥ I haven't watched the series since I was living in the Philippines, but I've finally decided to collect seasons 1 -4 (not sure about 5 yet since it's not as good). All I can say is, Londo is (and always will be) my absolute favourite B5 character. He is so fucking awesome ♥

I want to really get ahead and watch seasons 3 and 4 (the best out of all 5), but it's been so long that I'm really enjoying the bad acting in the first season :)

Anyway~ It was just a quick update and I really should try and get a good few hours sleep in tonight (if possible) - especially since I've gott'a work /o\

soundwave, babylon 5, ravage, fangirling, transformers ftw

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