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Jul 09, 2009 15:16

So, it's my last day here in Vancouver (again), and I'm a little over halfway through my road trip. It's been pretty neat so far. Chrissy and I went down to Kelowna over the weekend (which I wrote about the other day) then caught the greyhound from Kamloops to Vancouver Sunday. The bus driver got lost along the way /o\ he had no idea where he was going after the second drop off, and not only that, he almost hit a few cars and cyclists along the way. Then, of course, we got in an hour late =_=;;


Monday was pretty awesome as well. Got to meet a new friend and hang out with them for the day. I had a lot of fun doing that, and we ended up chatting about random topics for 5 hours or so ♥ then I went back to the apartment to hang out with Chrissy and we ended up watching Flight of the Conchords for the rest of the night. OMG I so adore that show ♥

Tuesday I met Chrissy down at Blenz (I so adore their hot chocolates) for lunchie-munchie, which was nice, before a whole bunch of Aussies went to Tinsel Town to watch The Proposal. It wasn't too bad, actually. Your typical romantic comedy and it was fun (even if I wouldn't watch it again).

Wednesday I caught up with continuum for lunch. We had Thai and it was awesome. I've so missed Thai food (and you of course Mel ♥). It was a pretty good afternoon, and Mel was so kind as to pull me away from the iPod touches (they're so shiny!) before I weakened and bought one I so don't need a 4th iPod, seriously. I also bought some Manga from the gift certificates Chrissy got me for my bday. I got some yaoi titles (no surprise there) and then was left with the task of finding one more book to buy... All I can say is that I'm VERY glad I decided to go back to try and find one more book... because I found a first volume release of a manga series I thought they would never release in English.


I have absolutely adored, loved and cherished that series ever since I first saw the anime of it back in 2000. It has been, and remains, one of my all time favourite series so I was super excited to see that they were finally releasing it out in English -squees with fangirlish delight- so I had to buy it *_____* I'll finally get to understand what's going on with Olivier and Ouri -hearts them both-

Wednesday night I caught up with a few other friends, and we went to the funkiest little sushi bar I've ever seen in my entire life... I loved everything about it ♥ It had bad puns, seriously, all throughout the menu and sea creatures (like sharks and stuff) hanging from the ceiling)... but it was the bad puns that really sold it for me.

-snuggles bad puns-

Then, of course, it was after 10pm and we had to part - which was sad T___T they're never enough time to catch up with everyone -cries-


Now it's Thursday, and I only had one thing on my list. Get Cobs items. Then, of course, I remembered about the other manga shop while I was out, so I completely walked by cobs and went ahead to the comic shop, bought 3 more manga there, before going for a nice long walk. I was in a somewhat reflective/nostalgic/thoughtful mood and wasn't quite ready to head back. So I walked... and continued to do so until I thought I better stop. It wasn't for very long - maybe an hour - before I mentally decided that I'd stop at the next Blenz I come across (sad when there are that many here in Vancouver, but it's shitloads better than Starschmucks). I sat in there with a hotchocolate for 45 mins to an hour reading one of my new books, before I thought I better start heading back to get the Cob's I'd originally gone out to buy.

The walk gave me time to think - something I've been needing to do for a long time, but have just been putting it off. I'm not entirely at an answer to my problem yet, but at least I've started to get the cogs churning.

But now I'm tired... so I might run off and have a 30 minute doze before Chrissy comes home.

gestalt, japanese food to die for, canada, ozzy loves bad puns, cobs, manga, thoughtful ozzy, yaoi, rl, vancouver, walking

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