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Feb 05, 2009 10:02

My dad seriously worries way too much. The US has introduced a new pain in the ass and HOMG why do we have to do this way all countries on the Visa Waiver Program have to do. Basically if you don't do this online pre-approval form before going to the airport, then you can't even get on the plane in the first place. You're denied regardless of the fact that you've paid all of the money to travel and the fact that you still have to go through the same border and customs ordeal as usual. It's just that, now you have to do one more irritating step before you even consider booking your flight.

It's irritating beyond all belief.

ANYWAY! My dad, being the worrier that he is, is all like 'you should fill that form out' (since I'm heading down there in March). I thought that I might of had to do it, but after reading the site I found that it was for the Visa Waiver Program (which I would normally go under, but since I'm living in Canada and working there I actually had to get a travel visa to go to the US with), and not for people who have a tourist visa for the US. I showed my dad that, but he's all like, you should do it just in case 'blah blah blah'. So I caved and did it. I got approved instantly (no surprise there), but I'm like, that was a waste of five minutes >.>;;

BUT YES! I'm all booked and ready to go! All I need to do is pick up my itinerary from the travel agent and I'm all set, yay! I was going to do the usual 'book it online' deal, but all the sites I went to were being stupid, and I got fed up with it and decided to go and get someone else do it for me. I got the ticket to Tampa for a good price (about as much as I thought it would be), but the time I arrive isn't so great. I don't fly into Tampa until 12:30am, so sucks to my parents who have to come and get me at that time >.>;;;

So I've now got both my tickets to and from Tampa, and my ticket over to London/Paris. So I'm all set and waiting to go ♥

My boss wasn't too pleased when I said I needed 3 weeks off in March though >.> I did warn her that I'd need some time off in March back in, like, October or November last year, but most bosses like to conveniently forget about that fact. It didn't matter though, and I was going one way or another, but I'm glad she 'gave' in and accepted the 3 weeks. So now all I have to do is survive the next 5 weeks. Which shouldn't be too difficult, even if I'm still getting a little shafted with my shifts. )Having to work two Saturday's in a row because of stupid Valentines Day... I swear if I have to do 3 in a row I'll be one unhappy little Aussie D: )

On another note, I've been uber!nerdy and reading the Starcraft - Queen of Blades novel. I'm almost at the end of it now, but I've been fangirling over the last half of the book. It's really terrible, but I'm like 'okay! I like Jim Raynor since he's awesome and all that, but HMFG PROTOSS ♥' I'm such a Protoss fangirl D: I got all excited and into the book the moment Tassadar made his appearance halfway through it, then got further excited when Zeratul made his appearance, then shifted into complete fangirl mood when Tassadar and Zeratul met up for the first time \o/

It was full of much epic win, and the banter between the two characters initially had me squee with fangirlish delight ♥ Then, of course, there was the whole 'Tassadar/Zeratul and Tassadar/Zeratul/Raynor' bonding time for the last quarter of the novel (which I've only got two chapters left -pouts unhappily-) which has been so damn awesome to read ♥ I was already a fan of the Protoss, Tassadar (no big surprise there since I RP him >.>), and Zeratul, but after reading this novel (set during the Zerg campaign of the original game) my love for those three things has gone up. I'll be all sad when I get to the end of the novel.

tassadar totally rocks, work, zeratul is so friggin' awesome, fangirling liek woah, zomg protoss love, touristy stuff, rl, starcraft, parents, usa

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