(no subject)

Sep 19, 2008 17:49

Well. I've just finished my first week at my new job. How did it turn out? I applied for a full-time position (of around 35 - 38 hours a week). I worked my five hours on Monday with another employee, and by Tuesday (my 8.5 hour day) I was already offered the position of Assistant Manager O_o I accepted it, of course, and now seem to be the Assistant Manager after my second day. I figured it was a good title to put onto a resume, and the training will all help in the long run not to mention all the perks and bonuses are full of win ♥

What else?

Oh! I got a call from my brother over the weekend just gone... the moment he rang my cell phone (from Australia) I knew what it was about, but he wanted to talk on the landline so I gave him the phone number and waited for him to call. The first thing he said after I picked up.

John: How's it going Auntie Ooze?

So yeah. My brother's wife's pregant and is due in May. I guessed it the moment he rang my cellphone and heard him on the other end (Because seriously, why else would he call me? lmao) I'm just glad I won't be around during the whole pregnancy thing. I've a feeling she'll be quite a -pauses momentarily- 'demanding' and overbearing pregnant woman ^^;; especially since she's already 'tired' from the pregnancy lmao I'm just like... yeah right, she'll milk the whole 9 months. I'll send them something in the post >.> lucky I work in a card store!

On another note: I was really naughty last weekend. My brother told me about the game, Spore, while I was talking to him, and I got curious enough to head out and find it. So I did, and I bought it, but then found out it was just the creature creator I bought XD;; So I ended up keeping it, and went out to buy the real game this time around... so as I was buying that... they had Cooking Mama on sale, so I bought that... and I finally bought myself the Warcraft 3 battlechest since I hadn't yet bought that one

So yeah... I ended up buying 4 games over the weekend... and then I bought one more on Wednesday -coughs- >_> I ended up buying The Force Unleashed for the Wii... HOMG!! That game is so damn awesome! You get to play as Darth Vader in the beginning :O I was so stocked! And the Force Chock is friggin' awesome to use! ♥ I totally need to play more of that... I see Monday being a good day for getting through levels >.> Spore is great as well. I've created a Carnivore, Herbivore, and an Omnivore... They all have their charms, but I think I'm definitely more of a Carnivore fangirl. I love creating my pack and beefing their attacks up before going out and slaughtering everything on the map >_> It's a friggin' addictive game T_____T So between playing Spore, Force Unleashed, and Diablo II... I don't get much time for all the other things.

Like catching up on all of my tv shows =___= I've been able to keep up with KKM (Just have ep 98 to watch! ♥) but I've still got one episode of Monk to watch (I always keep myself up to date with Psych XD), aaaand 3 episodes of Stargate Atlantis. So I'm not doing too badly, but I do need to catch up with a few things >.>;;

Hmm lastly (I guess?) I've been considering dropping two of my RP characters. I've been thinking it for a few months now and have been debating the decision, but I think I'll just bite the bullet and do it. I really hate dropping anything something about being a possessive person and hating giving anything up, maybe? >_> so I've been clinging onto them despite having no motivation to write for them.


I'll see how things go, I think.

work, psych, rp, monk, stargate atlantis, force unleashed, kyou kara maou, spore, rl

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