(no subject)

Sep 12, 2008 16:02

First things first: I managed to get the first job I was interviewed for, yay \o/ I'm quite happy about that since it's not only full time... but it's also Mon-Fri. So no weekend work (until it gets closer to Christmas) which is fantastic. I'm starting on Monday, but the manager giving me all the info won't be back in the store until Tuesday - so the short 5 hour shift that I'm doing that day will just be the other person in the shop giving me the quick run through. So Tuesday I'll get my roster and all the info I need \o/ I'm quite looking forward to it. LIVING THE CANADIAN working holiday DREAM! ♥

Man I love this country <3

Secondly: I'm so giving up on using IE ever again. I thought I'd give it a try again with my new laptop since my old one couldn't handle it properly (kept chugging along), but I've had nothing but irritating problems with it. Like, I would be opening up a tab, or changing links, and the stupid thing would error and restart. I've had it happen mid-posting so I've lost the whole damn thing a few times and I've had enough of it >:[ GOOGLE CHROME ALL THE WAY MAN! \o/ I'm going to give that web-browser a try and see how it pans out. I do like some of the fancy additions Google have put into it >.> yay for google So, Google Chrome testing: Day 1

Thirdly: I sent the package of: Sweet Chili Sauce (Philippine made), Two types of chocolates from Japan (Meiji Chocolate Macadamia nuts, and the Ki no Kono Yama (Tree of this Mountain) chocolate biscuits - which are damn yummy <3), and episode 87 - 94 of Kyou Kara Maou, Stargate Continuum, and Psych season 3 episode 1 - 7. So she'll be getting a good little package in a little over a week XDD The only annoying thing though, was the fact that episode 95 of KKM came out today so I'm unable to send it to her with the others. Ahh well, she can get it in the next package ♥ Psych goes on it's mid-season break after tonight, so there won't be any more episode again until January next year -pouts sadly-

Fourthly: I finally got around to watching episode 1 for season 3 of Dexter. Man I've missed that series so much!! I LOVE YOU DEXTER!! That show is downright awesome at making you sit on the edge of your seat to see if Dexter will get caught or not XDD I'm really looking forward to seeing how the third season will go. At least I've got this show to keep me going while Psych, Monk and Stargate Atlantis go on their mid-season break... speaking of which...

Lastly: Episode 6 of season 5 Stargate Atlantis. I just finished watching it. HOMG!! There's such a sweet Sheppard/McKay moment in it towards the middle of the episode. It had my fangirl part of me fangirling over it :3 I'm sort of torn between being uncaring and a little sad that season 5 is the last season for the series. I mean, it's no where near as good as the original SG1 series, but I do really like Rodney and John. I think they're great characters ^o^

EDIT: Haha! My parents make me laugh... I got an email from my dad which included a photo of the two rugs my mum knitted. It was taken in the living room with the wooden console in the background. I made comment on how I liked the rugs, but also noticed something on the console that I hadn't seen before:

Me: They both look really good! I bet Kitti loves those tassels ;D
Dad: Kitti was on to it straight away!!!
Me: Haha I bet she was!! She's a funny little girl :) did Mum get a new handbag? Or is that Bub's in the background?
Dad: That's Mums bag, got it on sale.
Me: haha! You can tell her that I think it looks quite nice :) The Ooze Approves.
Dad: Does the Ooze want it?
Me: Haha the Ooze will be fine. Mumsy can have her bag ;)

Hehe he's such a silly man ♥ I've no doubt that they would have given me the bag if I said I wanted it either.

psych, canada, ozzy has a job, dexter, stargate atlantis, asian food products, kyou kara maou, google chrome, job hunting

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