(no subject)

Sep 30, 2008 01:05

I'm so glad my working week is over for the time being -sighs- We had to pack up the entire shop the past two days and move everything out to storage for the renovations. I'm so exhausted from all the work! Not to mention the added stress of meeting the 'big boss' for the first time on Saturday. Man, the first minute was so damn awkward =\ He came in with two other bosses from other stores... introduced them to myself and the other two girls with me... and then just stood there waiting while not introducing himself =_=;; So... I waited a little bit to see if he would (because it's only natural to introduce yourself after you've introduced others), but when it became awkwardly obvious that he wouldn't, I had to jump in and introduce myself.

Not to mention I was also stressing because apparently he's been known to time how long it takes for someone to introduce themselves, and if they take too long, he makes mention of it like 'It took you 'X amount' of minutes to introduce yourself to me'. So I was stressing out about that and making a bad impression.

It doesn't help that I really didn't like the two women with him either. They seemed rather... snarky... in my opinion >_>;;;

ANYWAY! They went off to lunch shortly after (much to my delight) and I ended up stressing out for the two hours they were gone. Also, there was one of the girls who works at the store and the two friends she brought to help us out. They were asked to come in at 3pm to help out by the store boss (who wasn't there due to prior family commitments and left me all in charge), but were told by the big boss that they weren't needed until 5pm =_=;;; I felt so bad for them since they had to wait around for two whole hours before they could actually do any work.

The packing all got done in good speed. I got the girls and their friends on my side all organised and getting specific sections done. The big boss didn't end up being as scary and as assholeish as I originally thought. And we managed to get a lot done on Saturday night so that we finished everything else by around 1pm on the Sunday instead of 5pm. So, all in all, I think it all turned out as well as can be expected.

all except the mixup with my pay, and the lack of it in my bank account... so I'm still currently poor until that mess sorts itself out =_=


Thankfully I've got today and tomorrow off from work, but from Wed - Sat I have to travel an hour to another town and work there for those four days =\ that's really going to suck since I get car sick... that and I've got to be in a car with my boss for an hour each way for those four days >_>;;;


I can't say that I'm looking forward to that too much, but at least I met the Vernon boss over the weekend and she seemed pretty cool - if abit angry in the beginning.

My muses have suffered heaps this week because of all of the work I've had to do, and will probably suffer again all of the next week after this coming one. That's when the store's got to be restocked with everything we put away =_=;; I need to catch up with all of my threads though this week. Yuuri and the Star Dragon Sword are fine in Damned. orenda33 Naruto jumped Yuuri in the room post I made for him, and depending on how things go, Yuuri's probably going to be leaving his room and coming in search of Wolfram because he's worried over how 'late' Wolfram is... so yeah >_> I thought I'd give you the heads up :D

I've thrown Sephiroth into Hells Gate - so he's all covered - but I've got to throw Tassadar into nightshift at some point today. Hmm... it seems that I'm not doing as badly as I originally thought with muses lulz.

I've started RPing Ophella again it seems that I just can't stop RPing her regardless of how much I try >_> and I have to admit, I'm kind of glad that I did. She's not in a stressful or demanding game which is a really nice change of pace, and it's a game that I find rather relaxing as well - which is always good >_>

Hmm what else -ponders- Oh! Oh!!! I FINALLY HAVE THE EPISODE OF STARGATE ATLANTIS THAT HAS DANIEL JACKSON IN IT!! -totally and utterly fangirls- Waaaaah! I've missed his character so much -is still fangirling- even though I haven't watched the previous 2 or 3 episodes... damn! Now I need to catch up so then I can watch this newest episode -dances from foot to foot impatiently- Waaah I wanna watch it noooooow~~~ -tugs on non-existent sleeves-

Not to mention I have the next wonderful episode of Kyou Kara Maou... although, personally, I don't think the Small Shiramon arc has been one of the better ones =\ And, in my opinion, I don't really like the Maou as much in season three as I do in the previous two seasons. Like he's all badassed now and everything, and he's got that funky new 'zomg he's going to kick your ass and grind it through a mincer' music... but he's lacking the dignity and sheer awesomeness as season one and two.

Oh, and is it just me or has the Maou almost entirely lost the ability to speak? He said what? One line in the arena episode, but that's pretty much about it -sighs- I so totally miss his rants and fancy speeches about 'justice' that he had in the firs two seasons T____T It's just not the same without them -sniffles-

Did I also mention I've managed to re-addict myself to Diablo 2 and battlenet? -face!palm action- Gah! I love that game! And it's honestly the best on battlenet. I've managed to get myself a level 70 sorceress - which I want to get up to around a level 80 or 90... but that means I need better elemental resistance before I switch over to Hell difficulties since I'm just scraping through with + resistance on Nightmare -sighs- but then at least I'll have a good tank to take through and rush chibi-nataku's characters \o/ Which will be awesome since once she tanks and levels up her Paladin, then she can finally rush my poor little Necromancer (who's only a level 17) through the game so he can join in on the fun tomb, cow, and Baal runs. Did I mention how much Baal amuses the crap out of me? He's so damn awesome and full of win~ and his cackling never fails to amuse me with each Baal run ♥ ESPECIALLY when the run is titled 'Taco Baal run x' <3 <3 <3

Anyway! I should head off. I've got 2 hours before I've got to head off to meet Holly in Downtown. Whoo~~ she's damn awesome AND she likes my bad puns \o/ That's always a bonus -snickers- She's the British girl from work who's going to Australia next year to Queensland for six months, and she's all awesomenly Australia obsessed... so we get along really well <3 Not to mention she actually understands almost all of the Australian sayings and such XD;; We've decided that we're Aussish and Britssie -snickers- Oooh! And she looooves HIM and Three Days Grace... honestly, what's not to like, nya? Now all I need to do is get her addicted to a few Aussie comedy shows like the Chasers, Thank God You're Here, and a few others, and all will be set! She absolutely loved the Lano and Woodley song 'Bouncy Rabbit'... aaah that song never ceases to amuse me ♥

But yes! I was heading off!

damned, work, rp, stargate atlantis, kyou kara maou, hells gate, daniel jackson, stitched

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