Orson Scott Card on New Moon:
"And at the end, Bella actually shows some spunk. There is a memorable scene between her and werewolf boy in which she is needlessly vicious to someone who has done her nothing but good -- she wouldn't be Bella if she had a spark of human compassion or feeling for any person other than herself and her alpha-male Edward
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I have yet to speak to one person (girl) who likes twilight but also likes Bella.
Most guys hate Bella cause they remind them of how good guys always finish last. I think by looks alone most guys lean towards feeling sympathetic towards Jacob because of that.
Ok oy rememer what I said about orson :)>....???hahaha omg so true!!! hes a ....
Anyways one of the most annoying things besides the word perfect,beautiful, and body is Bellas repeating of how selfish she is..in the books. The movie had so many scenes that to fully understand you had to have read/heard the books.
Also it is unfair that Jacob goes through everything he goes through..there is more to come :) but holy poop he gets rewarded. If you know what im talking about then man this is a non issue. Soon it will be less of Bellas selfishness and more of a NEED primal physical for Jacob. Its very twisted, the whole "werewolf" thing is so well told, it would have almost been better if it were from their perspective.
The whole issue starts with one (bella) telling the other that they are friends only...and then right when she senses she could lose him she draws him back with the possibility of "more". Besides that form of selfishness Bella is pretty normal, cept most people arent that pale...
Ultimately she wants Edward, regardless of the consequences, everyone in the story knows that. Still though nearly every person thinks they know whats best for her, and want her to make the choice they would...I think thats why people can relate to the book(s).
I controlled myself and didnt allow myself to dissect the entire fist 2 books...be glad :)
Merry Christmas!!
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