Advent Calendar Day Twenty - Supernatural fic: interruption (with kisses)

Dec 20, 2010 13:14

Day One | Avalanche, Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, R, 400 words | for pjvilar
Day Two | No Fu Manchu, Hawaii Five-0, Danny, Steve, PG, 803 words | for laceymcbain
Day Three | running away from nothing real, Inception, Eames/Ariadne, R, 1,358 words | for vinylroad
Day Four | they said a hundred times I should have died, Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, NC-17, 1,192 words | for pau494
Day Five | try again, die again, die better, Torchwood, Jack, wallpaper | for pierhias
Day Six | monsters are always hungry, darling, Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, NC-17, 1,001 words | for lunatics_word
Day Seven | The Nine Lives of Bryce Larkin, Chuck/Chrestomanci series (Diana Wynne Jones), Bryce/Chuck, PG-13, 1,760 words | for misura
Day Eight | Jump, Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, PG-13, 2,045 words | for idrilka
Day Nine | It's a White Oahu Christmas, Eureka/Hawaii Five-0/Leverage/Supernatural/White Collar, G, 1,450 words | for vonilyn
Day Ten | The Jackpot, White Collar, Neal/Peter, PG, 644 words | for lazy-daze
Day Eleven | faster than sound, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, John, Cameron, PG-13, 237 words | for nrrrdy_grrrl
Day Twelve | A Golden Age, Merlin (BBC), Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, (Gwaine, Lancelot, Gilli), PG, 780 words | for hypertwink
Day Thirteen | Snug, White Collar, Neal, Peter, G, 308 words | for merkuria
Day Fourteen | The Outing, Castle, Esposito/Ryan, R, 1,758 words | for aurora_84
Day Fifteen | see the light, Supernatural, Sam, wallpaper | for daisychain1957
Day Sixteen | The Girl in the Goblet, Merlin, Arthur/Merlin, PG-13, 2,712 words | for curtana
Day Seventeen | Found, White Collar, Peter, Neal, wallpaper and icons | for setissma
Day Eighteen | a love story (in household utensils), Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, PG, 625 words | for kubis
Day Nineteen | Interrogations, Castle, Rick, Alexis, Kate, PG, 661 words | for summerstorm

interruption (with kisses) [Supernatural,Sam/Jess, NC-17, 1,165 words, for deirdre_c, prompt: yeah your body is smokin', but I love you for your mind. Beta by dreamlittleyo.]

Jess slips her arms around Sam's waist. He spends too much time looking out the window at night, like there's something out there that scares him.

She interrupts him with kisses. "What is it?" she asks, pressing the words into his shoulder. Concern, not idle curiosity.

"Nothing," he says, like he always does, and draws the curtains closed.

He turns in her arms, and if his smile is a little forced at first, she doesn't press it. Whatever he's looking for out there, he'll tell her one day. And for now, she'll just make him forget.

She has to go up on her tip-toes to kiss him. He closes his eyes and picks her up by the waist so her toes just skim the floor, and walks them back like that to their bed. She loves that he can do that, effortlessly, like she's not almost as tall as he is.

She's left her skirt on - she stripped to her bra while he was gazing outside, but left her skirt because she knows Sam likes sliding his hands up under it like it's the first time a girl's let him do that, tentative touch like he expects her to bat his hands away prudishly at any minute. She bets any girl he ever wanted would have let him, their panties damp just from thinking about it. It makes Jess wet, the promise of his beautiful fingers inside her. She's breathing faster, and she knows Sam can tell because he's smiling down at her, a little abashed, like he can't quite believe he has this effect on her. Sometimes he's incredibly dumb for a smart guy.

"You're so gorgeous, baby," he whispers, like it's something that has to be said quietly. He kisses her knee, the one with the v-shaped scar where she fell off a swing when she was four and thought she could fly. He's so tender it almost hurts. Sometimes he's clumsy, too big in his own skin, awkward hands and feet and adorable with it. Other times - like now, right now - he's as perfectly in control as a dancer. He traces a line up her thigh, letting her skirt lift up over his hand, and follows the same line with his mouth, delicate little butterfly kisses.

Jess bites her lip.

His fingers reach her panties, skimming over the hot, damp cotton. He presses his finger against the fabric, rubbing it up and down. She digs her toes into the sheets, clenches her hands tight, and still she can't stop herself pushing up into his touch. "Please, Sam," she says. "Please," and he nuzzles between her thighs, breathing in how hot she is for him.

He lifts her up, one hand under her ass, and slides her panties down carefully, a quick caress as he slips them over her feet, as though he can't help his hands lingering wherever they touch. She's ticklish there.

When he takes too long, fingers still curving under the arch of her foot, she reminds him. One hand on his shoulder, the other tugging on his hair. "Higher," she says pointedly, and he grins at her impatience. But he gives her what she wants, fingers inside her and his tongue, fast, lapping against the sensitive little nub there.

She comes with a little pant, easy and soft this way.

He leans his head on her thigh for a while. It's peaceful like this, the two of them. There's no rush. The first time Sam ate her out, he came in his pants. Red-faced when she pulled them down later, thick white on his underpants and his cock soft and sticky with come. She never told him how hot she thought that was.

She reaches out for him eventually, and he joins her higher up the bed. She cups the bulge in his jeans, and he toys with the lace of her bra, flicking a nail against the faint bump of her nipples through the fabric. Her nipples rise under the touch, and suddenly she's hot all over and she wants Sam naked, wants him inside her. She whispers it in his ear. "I want you inside me," she tells him, undoing her bra and skirt and dropping them over the side of the bed.

Sam nods, eager. He fumbles with his belt, the buckle stiff - it's an old belt, the leather cracked and stained, but he wears it every day and won't throw it away - but once that's undone it's easy, his jeans so loose he barely needs to undo them to take them off.

He's beautiful naked, flat belly, abs tight from hundreds of sit-ups, and sharp hipbones that she follows down to thick wiry pubes. With one hand, she pushes him onto his back.

She stares. She can't help it. He takes her breath away. Every time.

"Jess," Sam complains, and she sees the way his hands twitch like he can't decide whether to touch her or himself. She loves it when he's like this, so desperate for her.

She loves him.

She sinks down onto him, and he's big. She never quite gets used to how big he is, the burn as he enters that makes it feel like it's her first time all over again, and she can't help the little gasp she lets out.

"Sorry, baby," he says, clasping her thighs to hold her still, and she hushes him, because she doesn't want him to be sorry, not for something that hurts so good. She rests her hands over his and starts moving, fucking him slowly to start with, getting faster when she can't go slow any longer.

They're still using condoms, but sometimes she imagines they aren't, that she's riding him bare, and that each time she sinks down he's closer to spilling inside her and making something with her. A child, their baby, growing inside her.

She hasn't told him, but she watches him when they're out and they see families, see babies, and she sees the warmth in his eyes. She doesn't know much about his family, only that it wasn't normal, wasn't easy, and he can't bring himself to talk about them. But she knows he'll be a wonderful father one day. For now she just lets herself have this fantasy, hand on her belly when they're falling asleep afterwards as though there's still something of him left inside. But in a year or two, then.

Her thighs are aching with the speed she's fucking him, her hair's fallen loose from the band she tied it up in earlier and is tangling around her face, and her breasts are bouncing, heavy. She keeps going until Sam grunts wordlessly, hips stuttering up out of time with hers, and then she falls down on top of him, leaving him to slide out of her.

They sleep like that, his hand up against the curve of her breast, her thigh between his, his dick soft against her leg. It's warm and safe.


fiction: supernatural, fiction, advent calendar, fandom: supernatural

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