Advent Calendar Day Thirteen - White Collar ficbit: Snug

Dec 13, 2010 13:31

Day One | Avalanche, Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, R, 400 words | for pjvilar
Day Two | No Fu Manchu, Hawaii Five-0, Danny, Steve, PG, 803 words | for laceymcbain
Day Three | running away from nothing real, Inception, Eames/Ariadne, R, 1,358 words | for vinylroad
Day Four | they said a hundred times I should have died, Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, NC-17, 1,192 words | for pau494
Day Five | try again, die again, die better, Torchwood, Jack, wallpaper | for pierhias
Day Six | monsters are always hungry, darling, Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, NC-17, 1,001 words | for lunatics_word
Day Seven | The Nine Lives of Bryce Larkin, Chuck/Chrestomanci series (Diana Wynne Jones), Bryce/Chuck, PG-13, 1,760 words | for misura
Day Eight | Jump, Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, PG-13, 2,045 words | for idrilka
Day Nine | It's a White Oahu Christmas, Eureka/Hawaii Five-0/Leverage/Supernatural/White Collar, G, 1,450 words | for vonilyn
Day Ten | The Jackpot, White Collar, Neal/Peter, PG, 644 words | for lazy-daze
Day Eleven | faster than sound, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, John, Cameron, PG-13, 237 words | for nrrrdy_grrrl
Day Twelve | A Golden Age, Merlin (BBC), Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, (Gwaine, Lancelot, Gilli), PG, 780 words | for hypertwink

Snug [White Collar, Neal, Peter, G, 308 words, for merkuria. Beta thanks to out_there.]

"When are you going to stop sulking?"

Neal doesn't dignify that with a verbal response. He simply edges his umbrella two inches towards the right. He is now completely protected from the rain, whereas Peter's left arm is catching every drip from the umbrella. The shop front awnings are streaming water - Neal makes no effort to avoid them. The streams hit the umbrella so hard that water bounces off it.

Peter huffs and edges in towards Neal. It's a little too cozy. Neal edges away.

"I get that your pride has been hurt," Peter says.

"How magnanimous of you." Neal's pride hasn't been hurt. His feelings have been hurt, and he's angry. He's angry at Peter for saying it and just as angry at himself for letting a throw-away remark get to him.

Peter stops dead in the middle of the sidewalk. Neal stops automatically. He isn't at all sure that he likes what that says about him, that he follows Peter's lead even when he's mad at him.

Neal observes his shoes. They're splattered with rain, but it only serves to emphasize their perfect sheen. Quality leather isn't fazed by a wet December in New York. Peter's shoes turn towards him. Very serviceable shoes - black, sturdy lace-ups. Soles flexible enough for running. A scuff on the front. The left one is soaked through.

Peter clears his throat. People walk around them. The rain patters loud on Neal's umbrella. It's liable to turn to sleet later - it's cold enough.

"I'm sorry," Peter says.

Neal can always tell when he's being played. He can tell genuine from fake in his sleep. Peter's always genuine with him.

Neal moves his umbrella two inches to the left, and then follows it with a step to the left. He bumps shoulders with Peter, and they start walking again, snug under his umbrella.


N.B. Sorry, merkuria, I didn't manage to use your prompt for the characters. I actually mean to write Better off Ted fic, but I completely blanked.

fiction: white collar, fandom: white collar, fiction, advent calendar

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