Supernatural snippet: stand up tall and hold the world at bay

May 09, 2009 12:34

stand up tall and hold the world at bay [Supernatural, Dean/Sam, PG, 167 words, for girlmostlikely, because she wanted snuggling fic. Faint spoiler for 4x21. Inspired by mkitty3's gorgeous manip.]

He folds himself in, head under Dean's chin like he's smaller than Dean again. Been a long time since that was true, but he still fits, because this is Dean and he'll always be bigger than Sam in the ways that count.

And Dean- Dean holds him like he's been waiting for this, like there's nothing that matters more in the world than making Sam feel safe. Keeping him safe. Always.

It works. Of course it works, because it's Dean, and if he can stand up tall against Lucifer's first and avert the Apocalypse, he can make Sam better. He can hold the rest of the world at bay until Sam's whole again.

Soft rub of his thumb against Sam's ear, like he doesn't even know he's doing it, and there's a hitch in Dean's breathing and something that feels like tears on Sam's neck. But Sam won't say anything.

He closes his eyes and breathes, in and out, slow and easy, and Dean doesn't let go.


Crossposted to LJ and DW - comments enabled at both.

fiction: supernatural, fiction, fandom: supernatural

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