SGA fics/misc stuff

Nov 17, 2008 16:52

+ LJ is going down tomorrow, from 8am PST (afternoon/early evening in the UK) for four hours (or more).

+ I keep forgetting to link to the Stargate Atlantis stories I co-wrote last month for the last artword challenge. Co-writers (we all wrote anonymously until posting) were darsynia, sheafrotherdon, dogeared, propinquitine, hyperfocused. aesc, darkmoore, sardonicsmiley, jadesfire2808, busaikko and ca_pierson. Teams of artists illustrated each story - there's some fabulous artwork, and it's fascinating seeing each intermediary stage.

Everything John Never Wanted to Know about the Wraith, and Rodney Should have been Afraid to Ask [John/Rodney, very mild R (I'd call it PG-13), 3,089 words]

Requisition Form 2245-B (A Love Story) [John/Rodney, PG, 1,943 words]

What Dreams [one-sided John/Rodney, PG, 5,302 words]

Breathe [John/Rodney, PG, 6,143 words]

+ I've never used a tablet, but I'm thinking it might be a good idea, especially as my cordless mouse is eating several batteries per week and sometimes I just can't charge them fast enough. Has anyone used the Wacom Bamboo One Graphics Tablet?

+ Current stories on the go. A Doctor Who/Good Omens crossover that I love (writing Ten, Donna, Crowley and Aziraphale is a dialogue wet-dream) but have backed myself into a corner on. A Gilmore Girls/Supernatural crossover that I'm enjoying like crazy and is fully plotted out, but I can't seem to pick up momentum on again. A Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supernatural crossover that I love but have no idea where it should go beyond Faith can kick Dean's ass and Sam thinks that's hilarious. Are you sensing a theme here? A Supernatural (Sam/Ruby, Ruby point of view) story that is writing itself - there are bits of it jotted on the backs of envelopes and on a shopping list. And my yuletide assignment, which is currently zero story but pages of notes and ideas (my problem this time is too many ideas!). And a Sam/Dean PWP that has a beginning and an ending and very little porn. There might also be a couple of other yuletide requests that I picked up on from yuletide letters and am itching to write as bonus fics... And a few other ficlets... I really, really wish I had more self discipline when it came to writing - if only I could make myself stick to one story at a time.

fiction: stargate atlantis, writing, fiction, fandom: stargate atlantis

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