Supernatural 4x10

Nov 21, 2008 12:44

+ Anyone be up for a beta this weekend, on a little Ruby (Sam/Ruby) fic? Having a beta waiting is usually a good way to get me motivated to finish. And maybe some other fic, 4x10 related? I have this urge to write Dean/Sam/Ruby now, which I probably can't pull off, but damn, I want to.

+ Now for the episode.

OMG, I went into this feeling all over the place emotionally (from other stuff) and now I'm just beyond drained. Wow. I need codas. To read codas, write them, something.

I'm not sure what I feel, exactly. Before you read on, I definitely have mixed feelings - I loved some things (most especially Sam being the one to bring about the final confrontation, Ruby's part in everything and the kickass acting in the final scene), but really didn't like others. I think I'm going to have to write something, work through it that way. Remember some of it, handwave other bits, wish they could give Dean a sex scene with someone he has chemistry with *cough*Sam*cough* and pretend the grace tree and oh so painfully literal fallen angel stuff never happened. For now, I'll just go onto the caps.

Screencaps. 1327, high res, 1280x720, manually capped.

[zip 1 | zip 2 | zip 3 ] [ gallery ]

Picspam. Because this is easy and doesn't require me to think.

I feel it too, Dean.

Cheesiest moment yet?

I admit - I found the moment with Ruby watching Sam sleep about a hundred times sexier than the Dean/Anna sex scene. *sigh*

screencaps: supernatural, screencaps, fandom: supernatural

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