even if it kills me

Nov 16, 2007 16:13

Dear show,

Stop putting ideas into my head that I have no time to write. Stop making me want Dean and Sam to catch up with Bela, and Dean to come so damn close to killing Bela she can practically smell the gunpowder, but he can't do it, because she's human, however amoral, and she suggests the angry sex thing again, and she's practically purring, and Dean's so turned on he can barely breath and he just goes for it, Sam still in the room. And Sam's all awkward and WTF and about to leave and Bela looks at him, just looks, and bends her finger, beckoning him, and it's like he's on a string, he can't leave, even though Dean's halfway to naked by now and Bela's shirt is hanging open. So Sam stays and he just goes for it, tearing his clothes off, and Dean's all WTF now, because he didn't realise Sammy had it in him, and he's secretly really impressed and almost forgets Bela's in the room, and Bela has to tug him back to her, and then both Dean and Sam are stripping her. And they have a fantastically angry threesome.

Best wishes,


Dear me,

Today I am going to write 900 more words of my Sweet Charity story (Sam/Sarah) - eta: DONE! Tomorrow I am going to write 1,000 words of my yuletide story (secret).1 This is non-negotiable. Even though I love my spn_holidays prompts beyond words, I am not allowed to keep working on that until I have the other stories done.



Dear flist,

This icon
is my new happy place.



1 Anyone is welcome to check up on me, and shout at me if I admit to slacking.

ETA: That icon's not shareable, but there are a couple of versions of it in the comments, if you want it.


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