Rec: SGA vid - This Is How It Works by lim

Jul 19, 2006 19:23

I never used to see the appeal of vids. I watched the occasional one, but that was all. Most of the time I just found them boring. But I've seen a few recently that have gone far beyond what I would have expected was possible in the medium, especially considering the limitations of working with available footage.

lim's video inspired by synecdochic's wonderful story "Freedom's Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose" just left me going wow. I'm struggling here, because I want to mention all the things that make it work so well for me, the way it fits the story, the visual appeal of it, but I don't have the vid expertise to help me find the words. But it's amazing, that's for sure.

I love the song too (Regina Spektor - On The Radio) and I'm impressed at how well it's been used - I wouldn't have thought of it as a suitable song for the fandom or the pairing, but it really is.

ETA: This would work better as a rec post if I gave a link to the video I'm reccing! ::facepalms::

This Is How It Works by lim. Unfortunately, most of the links on this post have expired, apart from one permanent link part way down in the comments, which is for a DivX copy. There's also a 50 MB .mov version hosted here - if you can, this is the better version to download.


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