The Creature Crack Challenge

Feb 01, 2006 13:36

According to you, fandom needs more of the following:

Pandas, fairies, pengui-cats, cat-a-dillos, were-koalas, baby ducks, hippopotamuses, hummingbirds, turtles, bunnies, llamas, quail, pirates, baby pandas, centaurs, leprechauns, ninjas, wombats, badgers, bad pirate puns, penguins, great Irish elk, unicorns, dragons, birds, sea anemones, zombies, foxes, foxlets, gnomes, wallabies, elephants, unicorns, moray eels, giant squid, talking butterflies, telepathic cats, dragons, talking squirrels, monkeys, beluga whales, shoals of fish, weird simians, reptiles, cephalopods, squid, octopi, geckos, zebras, two toed sloths, human-sized bugs, rodents of unusual size and pumas. ETA: Frogs, chipmunks, aye-ayes, drop bears, panthers, flying horses, ravens, dinosaurs, otters, cows (purple or otherwise), kinkajous.

So, the challenge is to bring any of those into fandom! Fanart, fiction, or vids, any fandom. No limitations other than it must contain at least one creature from the list above. And I'd encourage you not to take the easy way out: try to fit giant squid into SGA rather than HP, or unicorns into Veronica Mars rather than Narnia.

The entries are all listed here.


(1) When should I post my story/art/vid?
Whenever you've finished it! There's no time limit, and no closing date.

(2) Where should I post my story/art/vid?
Wherever you want. Your livejournal, your website, an archive.

(3) Do I need to sign up for the challenge?
If you think it will motivate you to sign up, then leave a comment here. I won't hound you if you don't manage anything - it's not a ficathon where you'll be letting anyone other than yourself down if you fail!

(4) What should I do when I've posted my story/art/vid?
IMPORTANT!! Leave a comment here using the format below (PLEASE use this exact format, with the url in brackets - it's easy for you, and makes it much easier for me)

Title (url) by author/artist name (Fandom, rating)

e.g. Wannabe Wallaby ( by Signe (West Wing, R)

(5) Is there a minimum story length? Or a maximum?
No. Though really I think you ought to manage at least 100 words, because otherwise it's not going to challenge you much. And I'd suggest you aim for at least a 1,000.

(6) What sort of art may I make?
Anything! Icons, digital collages, hand-made collages, photo-collages, desktop wallpapers, sculptures, watercolours, sketches...

(7) Does it have to be crack fic or art?
It doesn't have to be crack - if you can find a logical way of placing wallabies in the West Wing, go for it! But crack is encouraged. Strongly encouraged.

(8) What fandoms are allowed?
Any. But it does have to be a fandom, not original fic/art etc.

(9) There's a creature that I desperately want to see on that list. What do I do?
Fill out the poll, leave a comment on that post so that I know you've added something to the poll and I'll add it to the list!

(10) I'm using a creature from the list, but I want to have others in my story that aren't included in the list - is that acceptable?
That's absolutely fine. Any other creatures are welcome too, in addition to your choice from the list above. Just make sure you've included one from the list.

(11) Will you be archiving the stories anywhere?
No, because I'm lazy and that would be work. I shall however collect all the links I'm given and add them to a new post that you can find here.

(12) May I pimp the challenge?
Yes! Please. And look, I've even made handy-dandy little banners and links for you to pimp with!

(13) What if I have a question?
Read the FAQ's. Read them again. Still got a question? Leave a comment here, and I'll get back to you as soon as I've made up an answer.
Have fun!

challenge: creature crack, challenge

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