Penguins and unicorns

Jan 25, 2006 23:03

* Waves reminder to vote on the porn battle*

I've been thinking (this is the point in the post where you probably ought to run, fast!).

Anyway, I've been thinking about penguins, and unicorns. And polar bears. Dragons too. And thinking that there's really not enough of them in fanfiction. I mean, outside of Stargate Atlantis, I can't think of a single piece of fanfiction with penguins in! And that's a crying shame. Something should be done about it. *plots and plans*

While I'm aplotting and aplanning, what creatures do you think are sorely lacking in fandom (any fandom - Sports Night, Veronica Mars, Smallville, BtVS, etc.)?


And yes, I should be answering emails and my backlog of comments, not getting mad ideas. I just can't help myself!


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