Stargate Atlantis 2.19 ~ Inferno

Jan 24, 2006 15:43

Voting on the Porn Battle is still open, if you want to take part.

I'm going to have to be careful not to abuse the caps locks again, because this episode? Loved it!

Panic everywhere, and through it all Rodney and John bicker like an old married couple! And at the very end, when John's almost taunting Rodney about being able to fix the Orion's engines and Rodney bites instantly, I adored Ronon's and Carson's little look, the one that said 'here they go again'!

My only slight complaint is that, while we knew Ronon and Teyla were safe, John, Rodney and Carson didn't, so I would have liked to have seen a bit more concern for them, mourning even, as they waited for the explosion that, as far as they knew, would be the death of their friends/team mates.

And now John has a BIG ship all of his very own to play with!!

Stargate Atlantis 2.19 - Inferno caps, 624 x 352.
Zip 1 - 269 caps, ~ 12 MB
Zip 2 - 269 caps, ~ 11.5 MB

There's a gallery here.

Samples (click images to see the full size picture):

Yes, I'm a little kid, but I loved this scene!

Not the best of caps, but the smile! Ronon's talking more, and smiling too!

So married!

I've also made a few icons from the episode (not spoilery):




Help yourself to the icons if you want any. But please, no hotlinking on Xanga or Myspace or the like, because that makes me very cranky, and you don't want to see that.

icons, screencaps: stargate, screencaps, icons: stargate atlantis, fandom: stargate atlantis

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