Stargate Atlantis 2.20 ~ Allies

Jan 31, 2006 12:42

I have coffee flavoured pepsi. It's-- interesting. Hmm. I think I might like it, despite being an appalling coffee snob.

Stargate Atlantis 2.20 - Allies caps, 624 x 352.
Zip 1 - 309 caps, ~ 14 MB
Zip 2 - 304 caps, ~ 14 MB

There's a gallery here.

In which earthlings apply for the title 'Most Naive Race In The Universe'! Because of course 'we mean you know harm' can be taken at face value!

"They call it flashing!" The first of this week's double acts.

It seems human-form wraith look like something out of Lothlorien. But seriously, I got the impression that the full import of what they were doing didn't hit Weir or the others until they saw this man/wraith killed.

Hermiod/McKay, a match made in-- a distant galaxy. "You think you're smarter than me. Are you ready to go?" "I have been for some time." Ah, I wonder which comment/question Hermiod's answer referred to! *g*

The eyebrows, acting their little socks off, hoping for their own spin-off show.

Ah, the grunt bringing the scientist coffee and then drinking it himself - a fan fiction staple!

The Rodney and John Show - Atlantis' most popular entertainment.

They say married couples become like each other. John clearly has the pointy finger move down pat now.

I've said it before, but yet again it's very much to the point. I HATE hiatuses! And this is going to be a long one. *sighs*

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go.

icons, screencaps: stargate, screencaps, icons: stargate atlantis, fandom: stargate atlantis

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