Stargate SG-1 9.03 - Origin screencaps

Jul 31, 2005 13:05

Stargate SG-1 9.03 ~ Origin widescreen caps, 512 x 288:
Zip 1 - 81 caps, ~ 4.0 MB
Zip 2 - 81 caps, ~ 3.7 MB

Samples (click images to see the full size picture):

I've included a few pictures from the 'previously on' section because they were just too pretty to skip.

ETA: I'll probably need another break from my wip_it_good extra credit stories later, so I'd like to get started on my Sports Night DVD's. If anyone has any episodes that they'd particularly like capped (preferably ones that I haven't already capped - if tags are working again, you can search for the zip files that way - links are down the side of the journal), let me know. No guarantees, but you might be lucky.

fandom: stargate, screencaps: stargate, fandom: stargate sg-1, screencaps

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