
Aug 02, 2005 13:23

The wip_it_good challenge is finally over, and I managed to finish all three of my declared stories - one Smallville story, Symbiote, which is already posted, and a Harry Potter and a Veronica Mars story. Amazing what a little bit of pressure, like being in the team in last place and desperately needing points in the early hours of the morning, can do for your writing! Now all I need to do is find some willing HP and VM betas - actually, I had volunteers for the Veronica Mars story, but that was back at Christmas time, so I might be prodding some memories.

If you're like me and prone to leaving unfinished stories lying around on your hard drive, I'd really recommend taking part in the next wip_it_good challenge ('cos I'm sure there will be one). 31 of us managed to finish 47 stories between us, which is pretty darn successful! I know mine would all still be languishing in my to-finish-someday pile if svmadelyn hadn't organised the challenge.

Now for the fun bit - my team (submissiongirls) came last, despite some heroic last minute efforts! Woohoo! Ahem. Which means I have to do one of three embarrassing things. So for the next six days (including today), I shall be posting daily, with this:



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