Apr 11, 2006 20:55
So everything's been interesting.
My weekend wAs crAzy.
-I hAte bAckstAbbers, liArs, supposed best friends who fuck wid you.
-I'm very insecure.
-I need friends. I need them to be there for me. [which they Are..]
-I'm very self-conscious.
-I thought About become bulemic, but it'd tAke too much work. plus I dont wAnt to see the food I love come bAck up in A new form thAt I'd hAte.
-Boy ruin everything for you. unless they Are my boys <3.
-I hAte myself, but Im okAy with myself when Im with the ones thAt love me for me.
-I never feel self-conscious Around my true friends or my boys.
FridAy: we won our gAme. brit cAme home wid me. I love BrittAny. we got reAdy n went to kAilA's pArtee. hAd fun took pictures, Ate, dAnced, etc. Then hAd to do A drive home A boy I love sAfely becAuse he wAs drunk of his Ass drive. I seriously love my boys tho. thAts night wAs so crAzy. n I still hAd so much fun. Spencer, mArk best, grAnt, iAn, Nick S.. love<3.
SAturdAy: wAs on the phone for About 4 hours wid mArk Best. then the mAll.. where I drove Julie's cAr cuz she could not get the right dAmn exit.. then she didnt kno whAt to do.
rebeccA's pArtee. big fight wid JessicA. but w/e. we went to RO's.. julie couldnt go. uhh fight wid mArc too.. but its cool now I guess? AnywAy drugs everywhere.. okAy not everywhere but yeA. AgAin love my boys. Spencer n Nick rAped me.. from the front n bAck.. it wAs cool until they cAlled up A third guy to get me on the side.. then it got weird.. becAuse I didnt kno thAt guy. n mArk B got his cAr tAken AwAy.. we dont kno for how long. but the pArtee wAs fun. Billy T owes me A lAp dAnce.. n will leArn to sing so he cAn serenAde [sp?] me. n mAnny n Annie. go us. brendAn is A dork. dAnced wid pAul Jones. lAughed At Andy. rude comments to Arturo. greAt end of the night. got 4500 dollArs by Asking. I didnt even plAy the cArd gAmes. yAy Spencer + Annie = greAt cAsino teAm. looooove.
SundAy: TAke the leAd wid jess n Julie. then mAll n eAting pho wid the cousins.. John JAmes n NinA. n leenA dAvid n Kevin too. fun stuff. so much fun. I love my cousins. John jAmes to much hilArious shit. I do not cuss too much.. okay only mAyb for A cAtholic school girl. AnywAy loves.
I definitely got A B+ on my Pet Peeve Speech todAy. I hAve to finish my lAb n study for bio [yeA right..] n then end.