(no subject)

Apr 05, 2006 21:57

So bAsicAlly everything's been crAzy.
SzinAi Accused me of cheAting.. so now I hAve to go to the disciplinAry boArd next week.. too bAd I didnt do it.

April 1st: fAll Out Boy, All AmericAn Rejects, HAwthorne Heights, n from First to LAst concert. it wAs effin Awesome. met rAndom people.. As usuAl! duhh. uhh Christine OmAr n AriAnA. All 20. we Are goin to the yellowcArd concert. I went wid Jess n Julie of course. I got An HH t shirt. uhhh definitely 3rd row.. then left cuz some1 stepped n I couldnt feel. guy next to me got his knee blown out. then pretty close on the left side wid no moshing n shit. lost jess n julie. then chilled wid Christine.. then AriAnA joined us then omAr did. then we lost Christine n AriAnA.. so it wAs juss omAr n I enjoying the concert together.  whoA fun. yeA. crAzy shit As usuAl duhh.

April 2: enjoyed The Hills HAve Eyes wid Jess. it wAs An okAy movie. I dont suggest wAsting your 9 bucks on it tho. yeA they increAsed it! its now 9 bucks.. even wid your AMC cArd n student ID.

School's been okAy. yeA fun lAme w/e.

TodAy April 5: the pArent tee workshop At OLP. definitely wAs fun n intersting. my moderAtors were lAuren M n MichAel. n I hAd hAnnAh BernAdette, LorenA, JAckie, AndreA, And AmAndA in my group. n then like 7 or 8 pArents? yeA it wAs fun I guess. tAlked About sex, drugs, Alchol, myspAce. yeA. AnywAy I hAve A ton of HW still but Im juss goin to go to bed cuz Im sooo tired I dont even kno why.
Love to All of you. if I like/love u thAt is.. no rele love for Anyone who needs it right now.
P.S. the boy I like broke up wid his girlfriend.. but IDK About pursuing Anything right now.. we'll see how thAt works out this weekend.
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