Apr 16, 2006 23:21
So Spring breAk hAs been crAzy thus fAr. I get my cAr bAck from the shop tomorro. yAy!! 1 week widout the bAbiie is so sAd.
so bAsicAlly the mon-wed for school wAs like AHHHH juss mAke Spring breAk stArt AlreAdy bitches! but AnywAy soph clAss wAs in chArge of wAcky wednesdAy.. definitely the best one yet. Juss About every OLP girl got up n dAnced.. we brought out the freAks in every1 hAhA. but yeA it wAs Awesome. n clAss wid Allen After lunch.. it wAs A 20 minute clAss for me. hAhA yess bitches. gAme. lost to UNI but it wAs A greAt gAme.
Then home showered n stuff. pretty dress [the one from Miss OLP 2005 wid Austin..] wore thAt to the cruise for JessicA's birthdAy. It wAs fun. I met A koreAn guy.. nAmed QuAng Q Li I think. close to thAt tho. but it wAs An Awesome conversAtion. got home round 11ish?
FridAy April 14: sAw ummm StAy Alive wid mArk foxxxx. I love thAt boy. it wAs such An Awesome time. wid our d'lush stuff. he bought my ticket. I bought his cinnAbAlls? hAhA I owe him money. but AnywAy Awesome time. then we rAn into Jill Allison Nick S Arturo Austin [boy from g-mont] n mArc S. ummm it wAs interesting is All I hAve to sAy. but yeA Ahhh I hAte mArk's cAr. It smells of smoke from cigs n Air freshener.. thAt sucks. So we kept sprAyin the cAr. I sAy Another month n A 1/2.. he sAys 1 month or so til its gone. we'll see who wins. So definitely hAd mArk check my whole house to mAke shure no one wAs gonnA kill me.. n I stAyed on the phone wid him until he got him. [hAhA its like 1 minute AwAy by cAr.. depending on the stoplight.
SAturdAy April 15: Julie cAme over. we wAtched A wAlk to Remember. my first time. I liked it A lot. I got A bit teAry eye'd. But I figured out thAt he got her A sweAter.. n thAt she wAs sick deAthly sick or something. n I got em both right. It wAs A super cute story. I wish thAt would hAppen to me.. except no deAth in the neAr future.. I think Im goin to mAke A list too. n then yeA. fun stuff.
SundAy April 16: todAy. umm definitely got woken up my mArc S.. told me I wAs the first one invited/informed About his bonfire. wow I should feel speciAl.. mAyb, but not At like 9 in the morning. but yeA. so then woke up did stuff. went over to NinA's n we definitely [me John JAmes jAson n CrystAl..] went to Belmont pArk. it wAs super fun. ummm definitely rAn into my fAve Nick mArtinez ever! [I think the only one I kno?] hAhA but yeA. it wAs A fun dAy. bAck to NinA's. then we went downtown to hustlersssss. John got in A hissy fit so jAmes stAyed wid him. so only ninA n I went in. I got mints n sextArt stuff. so did ninA.. no mints but the other.. n uhh reg lube? hAhA. she gAve it to jAmes. but AnywAy. Also tAlked to frenchie [AKA kAiv..Kevin w/e.] definitely buyin some french books lAter. okAy lAter.