Nov 16, 2008 07:28
I have been having nightmares/night terrors for the past few nights now. Not really certain what has been triggering them. I know that delving into the past in my therapy sessions plays a part in that, but I'm not sure what the *in-the-moment* trigger is for them. Same for the flashbacks, though I can usually look back on those and find the trigger. I am really sick of them! I need to get sleep to feel better physically, but can't seem to with being woken up like this.
I am really finding the emotional connection to my intellectual thought process. Now just need to find out how to make them work in harmony with each other.
I am still having trouble actually putting into writing the names of those who have harmed me, and listing the things they have done. Part of my brain doesn't want to quantify the things that happened, and the other part of me feels like I am *nit-picking*. Where do I draw the line on what is truly harm and what is just stuff I need to deal with that made me unhappy?