Hah. Well, I was doing good there for a while. Er. I swear that I'm going to catch up on the memes, even if no one really responded to the posts or anything. I got really caught up in real life and the like
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30 day meme Day 06 → Whatever tickles your fancy Aaaaah. I am totally making icons right now and I haven't been this excited in a while. There's something very frustrating yet relaxing about photoshopping out a watermark so I can use a pic in an icon. : D
30 day television memeDay 06 - Favorite episode of your favorite TV show
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30 day meme Day 04 → Your favourite book I would have to say Blindness by Jose Saramago. I got it in eighth grade, and man. It was a tough read, but I would really reccommend it.
30 day television memeDay 04 - Your favorite show ever
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30 day meme Day 02 → Your favourite movie I have a lot of favourites and I don't think I can just "pick one" of them. Though my favourite types of movies are comic book adaptions/superhero movies and horror flicks.
30 day television memeDay 02 - A show you wish more people were watching
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OKAY. So I'm back. And as an attempt to kick start my ass back into using this thing with a couple memes. They're LONG memes as in, post something each day for a month or more memes. So I hope I can keep up with it. At the end I'll post the meme lists.