Drabble. Femme-Slash.

Apr 16, 2004 14:35

Title: Lolita Complex
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Bellatrix/Ginny, but not exactly
Summary: The mere sight of Ginny's face would not make Bellatrix go mad with tenderness. Or would it?
Disclaimer: The characters belong to J.K. Rowling. Lolita and the nymphet!consciousness belong to Vladimir Nabokov.
A/N: A 100 words drabble dedicated to mofoslotmachine for introducing me to femmeslash. <3

She was burning whiskey and the cool twinkling of the stars, trembling lip and banshee shrieks, dancing freckles and skin like the first frost, part daisy-fresh nymphet and part echo of a love from long ago.

She was Ginny, plain Ginny, in the morning, standing five feet two in her bathrobe. She was M-M-Miss Wealsey in her Yule Ball dress robes, Miss Weasley in her dreams and nightmares. She was Fred-George-and-Ron's-little-sister at school. She was Virginia on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Molly.

"On your knees," Bellatrix hissed. "You belong to me now, little nymphet."
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