Drabble. Twincest.

Apr 01, 2004 14:36

Title: Anthropology
Pairing: Fred/George [No like, no read, no flame. :p ]
Rating: PG
Summary: George has studied Fred so closely and for so long he knows they're two different people and not simply halves of the same whole.
Disclaimer: Fred and George belong to each other J.K. Rowling.
A/N: Revamped, but still dedicated to the scandalous postingwhore.

They're identical twins: they have a matching pattern of freckles sprinkled across the bridges of their noses, identical smirks that appear upon hearing the word 'bone-less', different fingerprints but the same hands.

Yet George has studied Fred so closely and for so long he knows they're two different people and not simply halves of the same whole.

Fred never apologizes, George never accepts apologies. Sociology.

Fred whistles show-tunes while being forced to polish trophies, George hums. Methodology.

Fred measures a year in minutes and days, George measures in laughter and strife. Horology.

Fred eats all the red jelly beans first, George saves the best for last. Chronology.

Fred never asks 'do-you-know-know-what-I’m-thinking-about' because George always does, George never asks because he can't bear to hope. Parapsychology.

They love each other, each in their own way. Ideology.
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