Drabble. Twincest.

Apr 18, 2004 11:37

Title: Ashes
Rating: PG
Pairing: Fred/George
Summary: Watch as pages and pages and months and years burn and crumble and disappear.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to J.K. Rowling.
A/N: 100 words. (Kinda dry?) Constructive criticism is more than welcome.

Listen to the fire crackling merrily in the fireplace.

"Cold?" asks the new roommate softly.

"No," is your curt reply.

Watch as pages and pages and months and years burn and crumble and disappear.

"Love letters?"


Don't think about the famous Portable Swamp or infamous Canary Creams. Pockets full of Ton-Tongue Toffees or playing Quidditch with lingering Blood Blisterpods. How Mum hated the Weird Wands or how George always managed to sneak a Canary Cream onto Ron’s dinner plate...


"My brother and I were pranksters." A pause. "But now he's dead, and I don't feel like laughing anymore."

EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to mention that there's a character death.
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