Date: 30 September 2001 Characters: Dr Serafino, Remus, Severus Status: Private Summary: If at first you don't succeed, hex your previous shrink and try again Completion: Complete
Date: 26 September 2001 Characters: Dr Frude, Remus, Severus Status: Private Summary: And so Goldilocks went to try the second bowl of porridge. Completion: Complete
Date: 21 September 2001 Characters: Dr Delia, Remus, Severus Status: Private Summary: Severus and Remus make their first visit to a couples therapist. Oh yeah, it's going to go reeeal smooth. Completion: Complete
Date: 12 September 2001 Characters: Jen, Remus, Severus Status: Private Summary: Jen writes home to tell her fathers about the shame of Tal's sorting. Remus deals with it better than Severus does Completion: Complete
Date: 7 September 2001 Characters: Sirius, Remus Status: Private Summary: Sirius shows up to find out who the hell is messing with everyone. Completion: Incomplete