
May 19, 2005 10:44

So, yeah, the show on Saturday was fucking amazing! I would like to thank all the bands that came (expecially Society High for stealing the show and and coming on such short notice!). We raised $829, half of which went to Kath Larmom, who's trying to adopt Billy, a three year old from Uganda who was severly burnt as a infant. If more shows can come out like this one did, I mght just make some more, seems like I am pretty good at making them.
Downsides to the show: Being bitched at by John Otto so that the ska band could play. Whatever, you have to give each band their time on stage. And me being called a tool, twice. by the same person. I know it shouldn't have bothered me as much as it did, but, it makes me furious that I never stand up for myself and that just about anyone can say shit like that to me.
Upsides to the show: Me and my bro's act, GINORMOUS, was a crowd fav. We'll be doin a show or two this summer. It'll be great fun.
This morning I finally got my wisdon teeth takin out, I mean, right now, I feel a bit disoriented and groggy, but,basically, I feel fine. I know my jaw will hurt for a few days, but thats what the drugs are for. Unfortunaetly, my lip is still numb. I handled it like a pro.
Seeing Star Wars in Sunday with only the best person in the world to see a movie with: Pat. I will go in with my pessamistic view as I always do with every movie, that way if it's better than I thought, I'll leave the theatre with a smile. I just hope I don't see any lightsaber wielding nerds, or anybody wearing costumes, or I'll kick there ass, or throw popcorn at them during the movie.
Spring semester GPA: 3.0, exactly. I am happy with this, seeing how I didn't know what to really expect. I had a 2.97 the first semester, so, yea, I'm happy with my first year of college.
I'm going to be sending in my zombie script, 'Deadline' into a few screenwriting festivals soon. I really hope they enjoy it, my brother, who is a film major at Ithaca, enjoys it, and he's a smart lad also, and it makes him laugh. So, this boosts my confidence level up a bit, and who knows, maybe I'll get agents calling me and I'll have a nice fat pay check waiting for me when a company buys it!
Re-cooperating today, tommorrow, frisbee, then sunday, Star Wars. Saturday free, eh? Sweet.
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