Hello mud...

Nov 20, 2012 21:48

Today it has been drizzling on all day, but I did brave the walk (along with one other). It wasn't raining heavily, and that wasn't unpleasant, but because it had been going on and on it was pretty squishy underfoot and at one point I did a major slithery skid.

However, felt very invigorated, as well as virtuous, at the end of it.

Then jumped pretty much straight into the hydro bath.

Other delights of the day: wake up and stretch class between steam and plunge and breakfast.

Reflexology, and cranio-sacral treatment (pretty much the same as cranial osteopathy, but with a different practitioner who possibly wasn't quite as good as the one I have had before).

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grayshott, weather, self-indulgence, exercise

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