[fanfic] New York (2/13)

Oct 23, 2009 21:45

Title: New York [2/13]
Author: moi
Characters/Pairings: America, OC state-tan (New York), mentions of other non-canon characters
Rating: So, so G
Warnings: State-tans. And yucky worms.
Summary: 13 long drabbles on America's original 13.

Alfred remembers hiding from him for some time.

The boy appeared very suddenly, like a bolt of lightning in the night sky, and stormed raucously through the woods, yelling loudly and playing primordial, animalistic games with himself. Alfred concealed himself in nearby bushes-as he was prone to do-and watched silently, his feet barely rustling the leaves and dry twigs.

The boy’s unevenly chopped hair was a dirty, mousey brown, and his eyes were light, lighter than Alfred’s, almost the color of storm clouds. He spoke twisted, angular dialects that America had heard before, but which he no better understood than the singing of the birds.

It didn’t take long for the boy to come upon him, and he halted his games to come and crouch by Alfred, a gleam of curiosity in his eyes.

“Hello,” Alfred said feebly, withering slightly under the boy’s intense gaze.

“U bent Amerika?” the boy asked him, thick confidence in his voice. Alfred did not understand, but he heard his name, and nodded.

“Ik ben Nassau,” he told Alfred, and Alfred shrunk away a bit, afraid to say that he didn’t understand. “Nassau, Nassau,” the boy insisted, gesturing to himself until Alfred nodded again.

The boy seemed pleased, and a wide grin full of white teeth spread across his face. He stood up onto his feet, looking down at Alfred, the grin nearly crazy now.

“Wilt u spelen?” they boy asked, a high excitement in his tone, but Alfred just sat quietly on his haunches, his face engaged but lacking comprehension. The boy didn’t seem phased, and instead leapt forward and whapped Alfred’s shoulder, yelling “Het!” and scampering off.

Alfred just stared after him, utterly perplexed. A few yards away, the boy turned to see if he was being chased, and stopped when he spotted Alfred, still far behind, where he left him. “U bent Het!” he shouted over his shoulder, but Alfred still didn’t move.

The boy hesitated for a moment, then came back over, staring again at Alfred, this time puzzled and slightly affronted. Alfred wanted to run, as he had from the others who spoke this boy’s language, but the familiar tug was holding him still; slightly weaker, but equally irresistible as when he had met Jamestown.

The boy became disinterested after a while, and began to play in the dirt, digging little ditches and squeezing he grubs he found between his fingers. “Alle eendjes zwemmen in het water,” he sang, as he drew little nonsense pictures with his hands. “Falderal de riere, Falderal de rare.”

Alfred busied himself with his own digging, and soon his fingers curled around the earthworms that wriggled blindly through the wet soil. He giggled delightedly as they squirmed in his palm.

The boy was looking at him with grudging interest, and soon began to dig up worms of his own, adding them to the pile Alfred had made and pulling them up greedily when they tried to tunnel back into the earth.

“Dit zijn wormen,” he explained to Alfred, pointing to the pile of squirming animals. “Wormen.”

“Wormies!” Alfred agreed, and they both giggled, their fingers immersed greedily in the soft dirt.

He didn’t hide for very long.

Thanks to all of my wonderful friends--I had an off-day yesterday and almost scrapped this project, but thanks to you, I can keep going! <3<3<3
-New York was originally a Dutch fort called Fort Nassau in 1614, in what is now Albany. Nassau was not the first permanent settlement, however; that was later, with Fort Orange. (My own OC!New York is somewhat Nordic in appearance, but with darker hair.)
Sorry for my crappy Dutch, I took it from a translator XD
-U bent Amerika? ~ You are America?
-Ik ben Nassau. ~ I am Nassau.
-Wilt u spelen? ~ Do you want to play?
-Het/U bent Het ~ It/You're It (as in tag XD)
-Alle eendjes zwemmen in het water ~ All the ducks swimming in the water (from a Dutch children's song/nursery rhyme. The second lines don't really translate ||OTL)
-Dit zijn wormen. ~ These are worms.

Whew. Anyway. I apologize again for Dutch errors, and any historical innacuracies, as they are sure to abound. And thanks immensely for reading!!

america, fanfic, new york

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