Final Stretch

May 17, 2008 14:38

So, it's been a long week of PDF work, getting the Player's Guide all shiny and ready to go up. I'm at the indexing stage, which really goes pretty fast, all things considered. I'm pretty happy with the re-layout of the Player's Guide. For the core book, I added a ton of graphics, and it threw my layout way off (compared to the original). Things ended up on different pages, that sort of thing.

With the Player's Guide, it's a darn pretty faithful page-by-page reproduction of the first round. Part of it is luck, and part of it is hard work. So that's groovy.

If I keep up the current rate, I'll have the Player's Guide ready for upload by Monday.

So here's my dilemma: with both books ready for upload, do I go ahead and post them up *before* the website is refurbished? Or do I hold off and wait, and perhaps bide my time by posting teasers on the usual websites? I'm kinda torn.

In other news, we've got the prototype forum up on the website. It's currently hidden, and we're not going to *officially* announce it to the world until the rest of the website is ready. This gives me time to get used to the admin/moderator interface, and also gives time to have *certain people* start threads, and just generally make it an interesting place for visitors to find.

So, wanna be a *certain person*? The first round of people were playtesters and the like. The second round are folks like you.

The forum is hidden at

I figure, if you're reading this, you're already interested in the game (or what I'm up to) that you're the type I want adding to the discussion. So come on over, register, and start up a conversation.

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