(no subject)

Jun 14, 2009 20:32

Have not posted in forever. :p

Life has been crazy. I'm back at the zoo, which is fun, but often physically draining. I went on a vacation to Disney with my family to celebrate my youngest sister's graduation. Attempting to get ready for AC and making poofballs. But at a very slow rate. :p This weekend was Kyttin's birthday, which was lots of fun, but also very tiring. Oh, Devin and I also finished planting our massive vegetable garden in the back yard. I'll post pictures of it later. It's sweet.

However, despite my busy-ness (totally a real word), I'm finding myself considering volunteering at an animal rehab place. There were some rehab raptors at the con this weekend, and I totally missed working with birds. My prospects of finding a job in the field are pretty slim, especially since the economy is so very terrible, but I know there is always room for volunteers. Hopefully Linnaeus will send me contact info for the place he volunteers at. I don't know if they have birds, but they do have coatis apparently. So yay for that. That probably won't happen until after AC though.

Blarghargle. If anyone knows how to add about 8 hours to a day, I'd be super grateful.
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