Looking for suggestions...

Mar 24, 2010 18:15

Okay creative people and/or people that know more about pop culture than I do, I have some questions for you guys.

I started working at the zoo, and my bosses are encouraging us to come up with some new projects and ideas to pitch to the other boss people on how to reach guests at the zoo. I found a zoo that had the high school volunteers do a small project for their internet page. They made a couple videos called the "myth crew" where the kids mentioned a myth about one of their animals, then talked to a keeper to find out the truth. They showed clips of their animals at the zoo and gave good general information. Very loosely based off mythbusters, but cute and well done. So that got Jen and I thinking about doing a weekly segment in the summer to put on the zoo's facebook page and website. We'd also like to market it to the big bosses as something to share with classrooms and camps as part of our education outreach programs.

So here's where you all come in! We'd like to have an over arcing "theme" to our segments. As I mentioned, the other shorts were a riff on Mythbusters. Both Jen and I are woefully behind in pop culture however. I was thinking a riff on Cribs (cribz? Bleah), but I worry that even that's outdated. It would be easy to fit animals into however, habitats and exhibits at the zoo are easy to talk about. Does anyone else have any ideas? We'd like to aim these at kids, so something current would be nice.

Also, are there any animals you think people don't know enough about but should? I'm already thinking about a way to work monitors into this theme. We have three new species and I'm in love with all of them right now. They're so cute!

Conversely, are there any animals you think are way overdone? I'm biased against dolphins, as most of you know, but I know people love them and always want to see more.

Thanks guys!
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