Stuff and things

Mar 20, 2009 14:59

I went to Canadia for a week last month, then Missouri for a week to help install a shower at my grandparent's house, came home for two weeks, then went back to Canada. Now I'm back home. For now at least.

Things happened, my boyfriend is awesome, we found a three legged map turtle who was almost frozen to death and brought him home. Cajun took care of him for a month, then I let him go in the river when I went back up. It was much warmer out so the poor little guy won't freeze. Yay rescued turtle!

Cajun got a bunny, which is somehow my fault. He's adorable, but a little too smart. He learned how to climb out of his cage, so we had to get a different one. He's a cute grey bunny with a brownish belly and feetses. So cute!

Riss and I are working on getting stuff ready to sell for AC. I'm trying to get some stuff ready so I can make a costume. Also trying to draw some, but I'm not happy with what's coming out. :p

I just found out today that I will indeed be rehired at the zoo. I'll start May 15th. Not as a senior though 'cause the budget got cut nearly in half. So we'll have one senior instead of three this year. I'm just lucky I was picked to go back. Last year we had 25 Roving Naturalists, this year we'll have 12. But! We'll be taking on a lot of chats and some behind the scenes tours, so it should be an exciting summer.

So yeah. Stuff and things.
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