Jun 20, 2008 22:57
The real world of car insurance bills, phone bills, unemployment, health insurance,loan payments and cover letters. What garbage. I blame all the suckiness on capitalism. I just want to trade my chickens for some bread and a pair of shoes. Oh to have been alive during times of bartering. Money is nonsense.
Right now I should be writing a cover letter. I'm applying to a job as a Spanish Instructor at ECC. If I got this job it would be hilarious. I'm not even fluent. Hopefully I at least get an interview...I need some interview experience.
Tomorrow I am leaving for a camping trip with a bunch of idiots. Thank you boyfriend for failing to ask me if I even wanted to go on this dang trip. I can't wait to watch some bafoons get wasted in the woods. Woe is me.
Tweedle dee. Done ranting. Haza.