It's been a long time coming.....

Nov 19, 2008 19:01

I know this is really,really,really late, but BARACK OBAMA IS MY PRESIDENT!!!!

I gotta tell you, I stood in line to vote for 2 1/2 hours! I voted for the first time in my life! I wore my sticker! And I'm going to be real, I was hoping for the best, but anticipated the worst. Because deep down inside, I didn't want to get my hopes up.

So my roommate and I turned on VIC's "Get Silly," and we jumped on the bed and danced around, practicing our "victory dance". WHILE we were doing our practice, Obama's electoral votes changed in an instant, from 207 to 283! We stopped. I was rocking on the balls of my feet saying, "Say it.....say it....." Because the reporters were saying, "This is monumentous. This is historical!” And then they said it! We ran and knocked on a friend’s door! We went back to our room and did our dance, and then we ran outside all the way to my other friend’s dorm building! (That is, through the Woods, down a bunch of stairs, up some stairs, down her hall….) She was crying! We went to another friend’s dorm and watched his speech. We stood when he stepped on stage, we stood when he left! We cheered! Then my friend’s RA asked if we were drinking. Fuck you. OBAMA WON!

And then, in class, we were talking about it and out of a class of 14, me and another girl are the only black people in the room. And everyone agreed that the media was hyping up the race card!!!! That he being THE FIRST AFRICAN-AMERICAN PRESIDENT was hyped up by the media! What the hell? So I said in class, “Do you know what this means? I can tell my child he or she can be anything they want to be and really mean it, because it’s true.” And I felt bad for saying that, because I knew they really wouldn’t talk to me now (more on that later.) But I felt bad for being proud! No! You can’t take that away from me!

And maybe some people just don’t understand. Americans love the underdog story. Besides the fact that Obama was the political underdog in this process, he just happens to be the president of a country that was notorious for enslaving people just because their skin color was darker for 400 YEARS! THAT CANNOT BE IGNORED!!!!! There is a change happening! I mean, the minstrel show, you know, a form of entertainment that depicted blacks as ignorant monkeys, was the most popular form of entertainment for 50 years! They were finding evidence in the Bible of blacks being less-than. Thomas Jefferson, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,” He owned slaves. And in America, if you add a drop of chocolate to the milk, it’s chocolate milk. So yeah, Obama is a BLACK MAN! And he is president! It’s not “hyped-up.” It’s not like he can hide the color of his skin. It’s there, and you can’t ignore it. SO LET ME PROUD!


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