incitethemuse Jail picture: RP post for manorly_wayne

Apr 15, 2010 00:18

Vesper's dead.

Harry can't really wrap his head around it. Vesper is dead. Vesper who was so full of life and said whatever the fuck she wanted to say, is dead. Vesper who Harry has genuinely liked even if he thought her relationship with Bruce was volatile. She's dead, and it's a shock to the system. Maybe it shouldn't be. It's Gotham after all. Guns and Gotham. Violence and Gotham. Hell, violence and anywhere really. Death is always more shocking when it's someone you know. It's more tragic when it's someone beautiful and young. It's the way it is.

Bruce has been charged. It's all over the news. All over the papers. Bruce Wayne's been charged with Vesper Fairchild's murder.

He didn't do it.

Harry's said that more times than he can say. He said it to Kara when the news broke. He said it to Nick when they got called in to be questioned about Bruce's behavior that weekend. Bruce's behavior was off. It was really off.

Bruce and Vesper had fought. Bruce and Tony had fought.

Bruce didn't do it. Harry says this when he's interviewed. They have other questions and his answers are short but to the point. He's annoyed with being there, and they don't really care. A woman is dead, and he will make the time to answer their questions.

Harry's pissed. A woman is dead and they're focusing on the wrong person. The real killer is out there doing God only knows what, and they're denying Bruce bail.

Alan will fix it. He has to. Alan will prove Bruce isn't guilty.

It's Wednesday when he arrives to visit Bruce in jail. Paparazzi has been following him since the news broke. He has no comment. They keep asking for a statement anyway.

It's weird to be on this side of things. He'd faced murder charges once, and Bruce had sailed in and gotten him released into his custody. Put on house arrest at Wayne Manor. Harry can't sail in and fix this for Bruce. He's not the fixer.

But he knows Bruce didn't do it. He's just not sure who else believes that's true.

He waits for Bruce in the visitor's room at Blackgate Penitentiary, tapping his foot impatiently and feeling a little sick. Bruce should be grieving the loss of his girlfriend, not sitting in jail being denied bail. Vesper shouldn't be dead.
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