My parents' house was robbed last night. No one was home at the time, though we think my father coming home and talking to the neighbor on the front porch scared them into running out the back patio. They got my parents' passports, two laptops, and my mom's external hard drive. Which my mom is completely broken-hearted about since it was the
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So here's a little taste of what I've been doing at my parents' house this weekend: cleaning, mopping, scrubbing (MORE cleaning, mopping, scrubbing), SHOVELING FUCKING SNOW. Also, putting up mirrors. Oh, you know, EIGHT of them.
So I'm mostly still away from my computer until Monday at work, but I'm eating into my sleeping hours reading fanfic and profic because I'm GOING FUCKING CRAZY helping my parents work on house stuff before a cousin on my father's side comes to visit next week. And I don't think you guys have ever seen me going fucking crazy because I'm normally
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The one where you're naked in public, like school or work or something? I've never had that dream. Until last night. But it wasn't so much public as it was my back yard (though it looked completely different even though IRL instead of having windows, I have a patio door that actually does lead to the back yard). And at first I felt perfectly
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If you were not already aware, more (awesome!!!) pics of the Codpiece Place Housewarming can be found here.
I walk by the Rockefeller Guest House every single day on my way home from work and I think I noticed it once. What an interesting history. I'd love to see pictures of the inside and the courtyard in the back, but apparently they have
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Weekend recap? Saturday was cool-- a nice, lazy day at home. Haven't had that in forever! Morgan came over and we had a little sewing party. I didn't do much sewing other than making some fabric I picked up into curtains for my huge-ass window wall in my room. Sheer purple and blue. (OMG Sharon -- I just realized, PURPLE AND BLUE! I didn't
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Today we went to have brunch with my mom's first cousin, once removed (which makes him our first cousin, twice removed, as he tells it). His name is Charles, he has a wife named Eunice, and they're both 80 years old. For all that, they're pretty cool. Last time we saw them was about 10 years ago. I was in 5th grade (so about 10 or 11) and my
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