Russian Nuclear Icebreakers

Oct 21, 2010 09:14

Okay, so. Halloween is coming up and I'm having a Halloween themed flat-warming party this Friday. I have the best costume idea IN THE WORLD for it. I am going as Colonel Lady Gaga-ddafi. All the fun of Lady Gaga and Colonel Gadaffi in one terrifying chimera! (Pictures to come.)

However my problem is that once my costume is on it's a little bit, well, a bit David Bowie in Labyrinth, erm, downstairs. If you know what I mean...

Obviously David Bowie has more of a package than I, but I'm not quite sure I can wander around with whatever modest bits&pieces I have on display. My question is thus: I appear to have several options, which should I take?

  • a) Try and cover up myself with a scarf or something, even if it ruins the rest of the costume
  • b) Try and hide it by tucking parts of the anatomy into places where they might get uncomfortable
  • c) Go the other way round and stick a sock or two down there so it's obviously exaggerated.

  • d) Accept my own groin and stay in character as Gaga-ddafi. Believe it's my right as Guide of the First of September Great Revolution of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and a Free Bitch.
  • e) Other (please specify in comments)

P.S. I am a peasant with a basic account and can't do proper polls. Sorry.
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