Self Raising Lazarus

Sep 26, 2010 00:03

If you were wondering what was going on I can safely say that I am back. I'm back and I'm here to mash up your internet like two schnauzers fighting in an ice cream van.

Well, no, not really. But I'm healthy again and back out the hospital just in time to be thrown headfirst into a maelstrom of stress that is the inevitable re-enrolment to university. Again. Like Groundhog Day except without the love-interest. The flat is a good place, both flatmates are present and it's going well. Circle of friends is certainly wider than it was this time last year so I should hopefully not get bogged down with terror as I did most years. Yeah. I'm just typing now for the sake of it, I haven't got anything really interesting to say.

I watched the Pope's visit to the UK on telly while I was in hospital which was quite fun in an aggravating way. It was disappointing the Atheist-in-Chief Richard Dawkins didn't turn up in the middle of his speech at Westminster Abbey. Slamming open the huge wooden doors dramatically and in a swirling cape announce "Guards! Arrest that man in the name of Atheism!". That'd have been brilliant. Although it was certainly fun watching him bounce about in his Popemobile. I was kinda also hoping he'd zip around on the Pope-Bike and take down the Archbishop of Canterbury with a well-aimed Poperang before flying off in the Pope-Copter, but alas it did not happen. I'd like to see the Popemobile filled with ball-pool balls, that'd be fun. It was also interesting watching the Beatification of Cardinal Newman as it came as a slight surprise when they dragged the earthly remains of the bugger out on stage. I knew Catholics were into their relics and all that, but exhuming a body that's been rotting underneath Birmingham for the last 100-odd years and parading it out onto a Religious version of Glastonbury's Pyramid Stage was a bit of a strange sight to watch. Religion, it's completely mad. Although I'm one of these aggressive secularist nazis he mentioned in all his speeches so what do I know? Evidently nothing; I don't even have a popemobile.

I've also enjoyed the fiasco with Delhi's shoddy building work for the commonwealth games. Its kinda ironic the Indians have had some Cowboys in.

So there's an update and some jokes. Two schnauzers fighting in an ice cream van. Have it.
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