hi, i'm here to collect the dead squirrels from your roof.

Dec 06, 2010 01:10

So hello. I've not posted in a long time and I guess this is my fault. If you've been eagerly waiting on tenterhooks for a new update, checking back every day then I'm sorry. If, as is more likely, you're now thinking "Oh yeah, that guy. I'd forgotten about him" then hello again! I would offer you a handshake but this is impractical over the internet.

So why have I been on some kind of Hiatus? Well the honest answer is laziness. And busyness. And illness. And depression. And all that kinda shit. I've just not had the will or the ability to write anything. Well, nothing of any size or significance. I've been farting out nonsense on Twitter (which I think is another reason why I've been on Haitus. If I've only got a one-liner joke I can get it out of my system there rather than being forced to write a 200 word introduction to this one-liner, then say that one liner, then do a variation or two on that joke, then completely reverse the joke and throw it into reverse and drive of into the sunset in a stream of non-sequiturs. Now of course I can just be like "Played a Feminist MMORPG today. It was called World of Wollstonecraft" and I'm DONE! No need to pad it out and muck around with variations like EVE ENSLER Online or Wollstone-Starcraft (which is really just a very poor version of my first one), so really I don't know if its stifling the creative method or improving it. Or just making it worse. Who knows?

Also, uhh, I guess at the height of my creativity I didn't have that many friends to speak of. I spent most of my time locked away in my room, didn't go out, and didn't stray from my established group of people who never really did anything interesting (and if they did they didn't invite me). This was also when I was most active in LJ communities and what-have-you, making several posts a day to several of them. I still read LJ and make the odd comment, I have been reading your shit, people, but I've just not been adding me own. So I guess another reason is that my yearning for human contact is being filled with actual humans who are actually my friends who like me, rather than my only sense of self-worth coming from pixels on a screen. Sorry, pixels, I'm sure you know this is probably healthier for me in the long run.

So I guess, in conclusion, I've broken through the anxiety I had over not posting in ages by posting and desperately trying to justify my own absence to people who've probably only half-noticed I'd gone silent. And there was a Feminist joke in the middle to help lighten up this dreary pity-party, so that's nice.
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