Tweets of the Day

Sep 10, 2009 00:01

  • 00:14 - It would be cruel to put him outside when he seems so comfortable, right? #
  • 00:26 My mam put Harvey outside =( #
  • 01:14 Going to bed with my light on. Aragog is still around and Harvey's outside meowing. Sigh. Night night twitterland x #
  • 06:52 Hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go... Slept with my light on last night, which was weird, but it got the right result. Aragog did not appear. #
  • 07:44 Wow. I got to work just after half 7. I'm not starting till 8 though. I might look up ways to catch Aragog. #
  • 10:26 Breaktime. Eating fruit and being healthy. #
  • 13:04 Ah, lunchtime. One of my favourite times of day. Hometime in three hours. #
  • 15:17 Breaktime and I'm going home in 45 minutes. Woop! #
  • 16:18 On my way to town to catch my bus home. Think I might call at Starbucks since I won't be going tomorrow. Cake or not? That is the question. #
  • 16:21 There's an old woman counting loads of money out opposite me on the bus. I don't think that's safe! Anyone could grab it! I wouldn't though #
  • 16:51 Decided against cake. Got a small chocolate lolly instead but haven't eaten it yet. Its quite warm now isn't it?! Regretting my hoodie now. #
  • 17:13 Keep dozing off on the bus. Not good!! Sleeping with the light on was clearly not a good idea. #
  • 17:56 Just ate my little pumpkin lolly. It was nice. No more chocolate for me today though. #
  • 20:18 My roommate is back and lying like this! #
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