Tweets of the Day

Sep 09, 2009 00:00

  • 00:31 Bedtime. Night night twitterland x #
  • 05:14 Up to do my workout. Ugh. #
  • 06:01 Workout done. Time for shower. #
  • 06:45 Dunno if you can see it but I seriously, seriously hope that that spider hasn't been there all night!! #
  • 07:06 Bah. I've missed my normal bus because of that damn spider and my minor freakout. I hate the thought it's in my room and I'm not. Evil thing #
  • 07:22 Finally on a bus. Gonna be kinda late to work by my normal standards! #
  • 07:48 Just realised I could have gone to Starbucks this morning since I'm a bit later. But now I'm on the second bus. Damn my slow brain! #
  • 10:18 Breaktime and I'm still traumatised at the thought of that spider in my room! #
  • 13:05 Lunchtime. I was ready for it. I'm starving. #
  • 15:19 Afternoon break. Nearly hometime. My ears feel blocked =\ #
  • 17:48 On the way home. Starving! Can't wait for dinner. #
  • 18:36 The giant spider of Doom (who will now be named Aragog) is nowhere to be seen. That can't be good. #
  • 18:54 - A better pic of Aragog, taken with my camera this morning. Coz that's the most important thing to do when you ... #
  • 22:10 Training finished, now on the way to pick up the brother from work since he's been there since half seven this morning! #
  • 22:45 Operation: Remove Aragog is about to be put into motion! The evil thing is back and in the same place he was this morning! #
  • 23:15 Okay, Operation: Remove Aragog turned into an unmitigated disaster. My mam DROPPED him. She had him in a box and then she dropped him!!! #
  • 23:47 I have a roommate. A welcome one, as opposed to Aragog. #
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